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In addition to the post-publication activities for Living Beyond Terrorism: Israeli Stories of Hope and Healing I continue to be involved in several other projects, all in different stages, related to my ongoing commitment to make a positive difference in people’s lives and the communities in which they live and work.

To enable this personal transformation, I am passionate about engaging these trauma survivors in conversation, listening empathically, and documenting and giving voice to their “stories” – their oral histories or testimonies - as a way to humanize the people whose lives have been destroyed, to help them heal, as a gift to them and their families, and as a legacy for others to remember and learn from their experiences. It is my personal path to social innovation and change, building public awareness of the impact of injustices, providing the empirical evidence necessary to correct corrupt systems and processes, and promoting social and criminal justice advocacy and reform. more...


While Living Beyond Terrorism presents the voices of those who live with and beyond terrorism, the findings from my research are documented in both my PhD dissertation – "Finding Meaning and Growth in the Aftermath of Suffering: Israeli Civilian Survivors of Suicide Bombings and Other Attacks" (Fielding Graduate University, 2006, available at ProQuest/UMI dissertations/theses, publication number 3234197) – and in peer-reviewed journal articles.

Traumatology article:Themes of Resilience and Growth in Survivors of Politically Motivated Violence
Transforming Trauma: Space for Growth and Meaning-Making after Adversity article (pp. 3-6): Healing Trauma Survivors: Stories Lived, Told, Heard, Retold … and Untold
The International Forum for Logotherapy article: From Terror to Meaning and Healing – A Franklian View


My interest in understanding survivors – their voices, their faces, and their passions – began years ago as I heard the extraordinary stories of Holocaust survivors, in particular those few members of my family who survived. My interest was further strengthened in the summer of 1995 when I participated in the Turning Point ’95 International Leadership Intensive held at Auschwitz-Birkenau more...

Resilience: Navigating Challenges of Modern Life (Fielding Monograph Series, Volume 12) article: Resilience and Vulnerability in Aging Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendents
Never Erased in My Mind: My Life as a Child Survivor of the Minsk Ghetto, the Forest, and the Gulag, Esfir (Esther) Kaplan Lupyan (Translated by Miriam “Marina” Lupyan, Edited by Zieva Dauber Konvisser, 2019)
The Serpentine Roads of Life by Gita Zikherman-Greisdorf (2020)


In 2003, when I was working on my research with survivors of terrorism in Israel, I was introduced to the Israel Center for Psychotrauma (ICTP) of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, a world-renowned innovator in the research and treatment of the wide-ranging effects of psychotrauma and in proactively building resilience in traumatized populations. more...

Veteran and Family Reintegration: Identity, Healing, and Reconciliation (Fielding Monograph Series) (Volume 8) article: Healing Returning Veterans: The Role of Storytelling and Community


In 2006, I began to engage in an innovative research project that addresses two topics which previously had received little attention - the psychological consequences of wrongful conviction in the understudied population of freed and exonerated women and the possibility of positive change concurrent with the lasting effects of their traumatization.

Furthermore, I have interviewed 21 women who have been wrongfully convicted, often incarcerated, and later exonerated, to listen to their voices and understand how they experience a serious trauma in their lives. From these interviews and the roundtable discussions I have been privileged to organize at the annual Innocence Network Conferences as a space for women exonerees to speak out and be heard and to give voice to their emotion-laden experiences, I have explored their unique qualities as wrongfully convicted women; the creative and resourceful strategies that have helped them cope with their situations; the physical, emotional, social, and material challenges that they continue to face post-exoneration; and their ongoing needs to rebuild their shattered lives and productively reengage with life. The research findings have been published and I am in the process of compiling a book of real-life stories of injustice and justice, Wrongfully Convicted Women Speak Out – Hear Our Voices. more...

DePaul Journal for Social Justice article: Psychological Consequences of Wrongful Conviction in Women and the Possibility of Positive Change
Innocence Project in Print Interview (pp. 8-9) Q&A In Their Own Words: Dr. Zieva Dauber Konvisser 
Texas A&M Law Review article: “What Happened to Me Can Happen to Anybody” – Women Exonerees Speak Out
Embodied Learning and Social Transformation article (Part 5): Transforming the Trauma of Wrongful Conviction
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice article: Exoneree Engagement in Policy Reform Work: An Exploratory Study of the Innocence Movement Policy Reform Process
Journal of Transformative Education article: Exonerated Women in the Innocence Movement
The Muses: Wrongful Conviction 2020/Innocence Network
Freed and Exonerated Women Speak Out 2022/Innocence Network
The Justice Seekers (2023)


For most of my life, I have been researching and writing scientific, business, and academic papers, as well as writing rhyming poems to commemorate special occasions – in the style inherited from my family. In 2015, I began to participate in a memoir-writing workshop. Initially, I’d hoped to access the more creative side of my brain to write more lyrically. In the process, I have come to understand that there is a difference between facts and truth. These are the facts about me, what happened to me. However, my truth – the meaning I have made of my experiences – has evolved as has the rhythm of my life path journey of exploration and personal transformation that started as a random walk, then – looking back – became a career path, and is now my life path. Although it has forked, jogged and twisted – with each new opportunity I have built on and strengthened my skills and my persona – who I am – and what I may become.

The resulting flash memories and personal essays are my reflections on events, family, and friends along the way – written in the moment or looking back with the wisdom of age. A few have been published and all are a gift to my family and a legacy of both my past actions and my dreams of what I might still become – as I find my own music, my own voice.

Michigan Jewish History (Volume 59/20): Home
Michigan Jewish History (Volume 61): Voices
Michigan Jewish History (Volume 63): Creative Expressions, Guest Editor
Pursuing My Noble Goal, In The Transformative Power of Learning: 50 Years of Lifelong Learning at Fielding Graduate University, Fielding University Press, 2023


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